I thought I might as well explain why I had to leave tumblr behind.
As there is a vibrant and passionate community of Carrollians on tumblr. And I really, really didn't want to leave.
Unfortunately tumblr policies meant I could not see a future for myself on the platform anymore.
Although my blog was SFW, I was worried that Tumblr's blanket ban on NSFW content would also wrongly flag up SFW content as well.
Sadly since the installation of this new policy, this appears to be the case.
Last time I checked my account, I had 30 + posts flagged for no discernible reason.
I left because I did not want to fight the battle of having to appeal these flagged posts all the time.
I have since found that whilst one post can be reinstated after an appeal, another always gets flagged.
To any friends who are reading this, you can contact me here or by the facebook page.
I really really wish this didn't have to happen.
Many thanks,
Chloe :)