- Name: Chloe
- She/Her
I am informally part of a network of friends which includes the fabulous Alice film researchers Phantomwise and Curiouser Archive, as well as Curiouslyalice, VictoriaWesthill, and Carrollianmemes :)
I informally support Jenny Woolf, Karoline Leach, Edward Wakeling and the Contrariwise association for New Carroll studies.
I informally support Jenny Woolf, Karoline Leach, Edward Wakeling and the Contrariwise association for New Carroll studies.

Favourite Film Adaptations:
- 1972 Alice's adventures in Wonderland
- 1986 BBC Alice in Wonderland
- 1966 BBC Alice in Wonderland
- 1988 jan svankmajer Alice
- 1998 Channel 4 Looking Glass
- 1974 Italian TV series both books
- 1981/1982 USSR animations both books.
- 2021 Alice Dos Anjos/Alice in Backlands
Least Favourite Film adaptations:
- 2010 Burton/2016 Bobin
- 2007 CGI What's the matter with the hatter
- 1999
- 1987 looking glass
- 1966 looking glass special
Favourite stage adaptations:
- Simon Reade's alice in Wonderland
- Wonder.land
- Elizabeth Swados's Alice at the Palace
- Royal Ballet's Alice in Wonderland
- James Reaney looking glass
- Adrian Mitchell's adaptation of both books
- Laura Wade's Alice
- Théâtre De la Ville's adaptation of both books

When did your obsession with the Alice Novels start?
My obsession with all things Alice related started at age seven after my Dad gave me a copy of the first book. I was for a long while a part of the UK Lewis Carroll Society and started this blog to keep in contact and make friends with other carrollians. Carroll’s books entered my life at a particularly difficult moment in my life and kept me going through a very hard time.