Thursday, 27 June 2019

Horrors (Early Carroll Poem)

This is one of my favourite early poems by Carroll. 

Not only does it parody gothic literature, here Carroll hones his dream narrative writing craft. 

A modest start, but it does foreshadow Carroll's later use of dreams quite nicely!

Methought I walked a dismal place

  Dim horrors all around;

The air was thick with many a face,

  And black as night the ground.

I saw a monster come with speed,

  Its face of grimmliest green,

On human beings used to feed,

  Most dreadful to be seen.

I could not speak, I could not fly,

  I fell down in that place,

I saw the monster’s horrid eye

  Come leering in my face!

Amidst my scarcely-stifled groans,

  Amidst my moanings deep,

I heard a voice, 

“Wake! Mr. Jones, 

you’re screaming in your sleep!”