Monday, 26 August 2019

New essay series on this blog coming in October...

for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they WOULD not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them.

I know it isn't anywhere near October yet but in October a new essay series will crop up occasionally on this blog.

"Several nice little histories: Cautionary tales" will look at the most popular genre of children's literature in Dodgson's lifetime: the cautionary tale. 

This will tie in with another essay series which I hope to do early next year, which will look at children's literature before Carroll's Alice.

"several nice little histories..." will look at tales ranging from the 17th century, through the Victorian era and to the present day (well, the 1990s) 

I've had a longstanding love of this genre so its great to finally share it with you all! 

For bilingual readers, only Slovenly Peter by Heinrich Hoffmann has been translated into other languages. hopefully I can do my best to convey what the others are like! 

The books I'll be looking at are Vice in Its Proper Shape by Anonymous, Chapbooks the Pink Slippers and The Old Man's Story, Slovenly Peter by Heinrich Hoffmann and Jamie Rix's Grizzly Tales for gruesome Kids

This will start on October 1st with an essay each week until Halloween!