Thursday 5 September 2019

This year marks 20 years since Karoline Leach's groundbreaking research...

Image result for In the Shadow of the Dreamchild

It really is 20 years since Leach's In the Shadow of the Dreamchild

Can you believe? Where's the time gone? 

I'm extremely thankful for this research as I'm sure many of us are. It contextualised Dodgson in his era and pointed out gaping holes in prior biographies. 

Its influence can still be felt now in Carroll academia as it spurred Jenny Woolf's concise biography and analysis and later influenced Edward Wakeling's analysis of Dodgson's letter circle.

Not bad for something 20 years ago was being called to be forgotten by older scholars who hated to see holes in their research being exposed. 

Perhaps the only downside in this is the split among Carroll scholars: one which is slowly being repaired over time as more experts are influenced by Leach. 

I only wish Leach's research had impacted the general public's view of Mr Dodgson and fiction about him. That seems to be stuck in a pre Leach time limbo at the moment. Here's hoping that changes soon.

Happy 20th anniversary, In the Shadow of the Dreamchild!