Thursday 17 October 2019

Plum Awards 2019: My personal favourite entries

This year's annual competition for Children's illustrators Plum Awards had an Alice's adventures in Wonderland theme. 

As to be expected the illustrations ranged from inventive and based on the novel to based on the characters only.

For this little image gallery I selected illustrations that correspond with Carroll only. 

I could have honestly chosen a thousand of these illustrations but here is a few of my favourites. These illustrate (!) the wonderful diversity of artists and art in this completion. 

Sadly none of my favourites made the final cut (you can see who the winner was here

Catherin Peterslund's interpretation of Alice and the White Rabbit. 

Mónica de la Torre's Alice

otenyakova's interpretation of the Lobster Quadrille. 

Trudi Murray's "anti-establishment" teenage Alice and the Queen of Hearts 

Ernica Root's thoroughly modern Alice. Taken from a 1 page large spread. 

Floss Pottage's Alice

Jemma Jamie Skidmore's Alice and the White Rabbit (cropped from larger photo by me)

Anastasia Lü's interpretation of a ukranian Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

Katherine Ahmed's Indian Alice

Zuzanna Turek's Alice reciting how doth the little crocodile