Sunday 9 February 2020

Theatre Archives and curiosity....

Image result for National theatre archive

(Photo by Culture24)

Recently with work I visited the utterly fantastic national theatre archive in London. This was not Carroll related and is tied to a theatre project that I work at as a day job (when I'm not studying for university) 

But since there are Carroll related items in the archive, I thought I'd post a small run down of what is there, just in case any research friends go to London at any point and want to know there time is not wasted in searching:

  • You have to specify what materials you want via the catalogue before you make the appointment. Make sure to note down numbers in the digital catalogue when planning a visit! 
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  • I've said this before: the real treasure in this archive is a extremely early script for the Albarn/Norris/Buffini flop This script dates from 2014. I can't find the interview specifically, but I'm sure in the early promotional period one of the creators noted the early drafts were much darker than the finished show. Does this 2014 script reflect this??
  • is on video recording in the archive too.
Image result for Christopher Hampton alice's adventures underground
  • A dubious thing but nevertheless: Christopher Hampton's early 1990s adaptation/outdated biography thing Alice's adventures Underground is in the archive. This includes a video. I hope someone else investigates this one. There's only so much pre Karoline Leach "biography" interludes that I can take. 
The archive managers are lovely people and whilst the building is small (with traffic noise outside barely shielded) its a decent enough research space. 

There's also free programmes available for anyone to take, which include quite big names. If you love collecting programmes, this is for you.