Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Alice's Day 2020: A virtual celebration!

With the annual celebrations for Alice's day in Oxford cancelled, here's a small list of what you could do to mark the 4th.


Virtual Celebrations

Alice day logo

(Alice's day Oxford logo, via Storymuseum Oxford)

Oxford: Chris Riddell talk (11AM UK time) 

As the title says, the centerpiece of this year's virtual celebrations is a talk and live drawing with illustrator Chris Riddell who has just illustrated Alice's adventures in Wonderland (book out in October)

Oxford: Photo competition

If you have younger family members, why not have them recreate a scene from Carroll's books? Both fancy dress and scene recreations are encouraged. The hashtag is #picturethis and #alice'sday

(2012 Carrollsday flyer, via carrollsday wordpress)

For Portuguese language speakers: Carrollsday stream on Instagram

Carrollsday is the annual celebration of Lewis Carroll's work, created by artist  Beatriz Mom in 2012. This year will have a 14 hour stream on Instagram! 

Other things to do..

  • Play a carroll themed music playlist in celebration! Here's mine. You can easily come up with your own if you want! 
  • Maybe cook a few Carroll inspired treats, such as these recipes from Macmillan Publishers?