Friday, 30 July 2021


 Get Lost is now filming!

With their instagram all set up, you can now follow the progress of Get Lost as filming takes place in Budapest, Hungary. 

Unfortunately I don't want to post photos here as this is perhaps a legal grey area, but I would encourage you to go and follow the film's instagram and associated pages.

Very exciting times for Alice based properties.

Other News: 

Manchester's Alice musical Alice in Wonderland has sadly been cancelled due to covid, but many outdoor events are still going ahead. A new theatre list will be on this blog soon.

I'm still writing the essays for Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974), they are coming, I promise. 

Yesterday V and A museum announced that their Alice exhibition would be screening as a film in October (On October the 14 to be exact) more info here

Irish National Opera announced a few weeks back that Gerald Barry's Alice opera will be streaming online in November. Info here