Buffini’s musical spin on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, reformed for the digital age on the Olivier stage as Wonder.land “got sharked”, she says. It attracted more first-time theatregoers than any other National show. “They loved it. The critics tore it to pieces: ‘Damon Albarn – what’s he doing in theatre? Take him down. Rufus Norris – he’s not Nick Hytner. Take him down.’ ” Buffini is proud of the show. Watched with teenage eyes, she thought it a joy.
carrollian blog about Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. This blog 100% informally supports the work of Karoline Leach, Jenny Woolf, Edward Wakeling and Contraiwise association for New Carroll Studies.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Moira Buffini,