Tuesday, 23 April 2019

1999 is officially 20 years old!

Alice In Wonderland - 1999

(Press photo by Shutterstock

1999 aired on NBC/Channel 4 20 years ago today! (this is according to IMDB... so actual dates may vary) 

Whilst it is by no means my favourite adaptation (its actually one of my least...) it is still an adaptation of Carroll's novels.

Something you can't say about the other 2 Alice films which followed in the 2010s (I'm still a bit bitter, sorry!) 

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On a slightly sad note, we have officially entered adaptation drought territory... there has not been a film or TV version adapting Carroll's novels for 20 years (unless you count livestreams of the Chin opera or Wheeldon ballet)

Considering the only projects on the horizon are Come Away, Dorothy and Alice and potentially a Looking Glass Wars film, safe to say we might hit 25 years with no new adaptation quite safely....
