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Little Fugitive (1952)
Early American film dating from the 50s.
A seven year old boy, convinced he has killed his brother, runs away and gets stuck in the Wonderland of Corney Island.

Zazie Dans Le Metro (1960)
Art house surrealist comedy by Louis Malle. Based on the Raymond Queneau novella.
Curious Zazie wants to see the Parisian metro, but its closed. So she embarks on a series of odd misadventures around Paris instead.

Julliette of the Spirits (1965)
Arthouse fantasy film by Federico Fellini.
Prim housewife Juliette begins to suspect that her husband is having an affair, and subsequently tumbles into a tangled web of visions, dreams and memories, guided by mysterious people and forces.

Fruit of Paradise (1970)
Czech feminist revisioning of the “Adam and Eve” tale, by the same director as Daisies. Banned until 1980 in the Czech Republic.
Eva and her husband live happily in a surreal sanitarium, until one day Eva becomes curious about a mysterious man in red.
Case for a New Hangman (1970)
Described as part Swift, part carroll, part Kafka.
After accidentally killing a hare in a waistcoat whilst driving, a man named Gulliver stumbles into a bizarre place on another side of a tunnel where people obey strange laws such as constantly keeping their mouths shut.

DOUBLE BILL: Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) + Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Two films with a close storyline..
In the three hour long (!!) Celine and Julie go Boating (1974) Celine and Julie meet and soon start sharing the same identities as well as an intense imagination. Soon, thanks to a magic sweet, they become twin Alices as they become participants in a surreal melodrama in a mysterious country house.
In Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) a suburban housewife, seeking escape from her life, suffers amnesia is mistaken for a free-spirited woman named Susan.
These films are paired together because one is basically a remake of the other.

DOUBLE BILL: Black Moon (1975) + Alice or the last Escapade (1977)
Extremely weird arthouse films with the same plot: both are about young women trapped in unreal, carrollian places near country houses.
Curiouser and curiouser!
In Black Moon (1975), Lily flees a war between men and women and becomes entangled in a strange secret society in a country house.
In Alice or the Last Escapade (1977) , A woman in her mid 20s named Alice Carol flees her boring domestic life and becomes entrapped in the strange society of a country house, where time works differently and no one will let her leave.
These films are paired together because they're essentially the same movie.

DOUBLE BILL: Labyrinth (1986) + Mirrormask (2005)
Films both from the Jim Henderson production team…
In Labyrinth (1986), Sarah gives her brother to the goblin king- and instantly regrets it. To get him back, she’ll have to traverse a labyrinth inhabited by a talking caterpillar, goblins and other strange beings.
In Mirrormask (2005), teenager Helena gets trapped in a dreamworld based on her own fantastical drawings after her mother falls ill.
These films are paired together because one is meant to be the “spiritual successor” of the other.

Tideland (2006)
Adaptation of Mitch Cullin's disturbing 2000s novella, directed by Terry Gilliam.
Jeliza-Rose’s parents are irresponsible drug addicts. When her mother dies her father moves her to the Texan wilderness. Soon she is all alone with only her four barbie doll heads (each with their own personalities) for company. But her imagination soon makes up for the hardship of her childhood, and she slowly begins to sink into a darkly hallucinatory fantasy.