carrollian blog about Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. This blog 100% informally supports the work of Karoline Leach, Jenny Woolf, Edward Wakeling and Contraiwise association for New Carroll Studies.
Thursday, 4 June 2020
The delights of the Mad Gardeners Song!
Some good friends and I are reading our way through Sylvie and Bruno (and its the first time for me)
Undoubtedly one of the best bits of this strange, wonderful, boring, fantastic mess of a book is the Mad Gardeners song.
I even managed to find a stop motion adaptation of the poem, which despite its look, was not animated by Jan Svankmajer, nor Efrem Pruzhanskiy, whose cut out paper Alisa series it also resembles.
Thanks to the Lewis Carroll Society of North America for the link :)
Sylvie and Bruno